Welcome to Defenders of the Cross

D.O.T.C. is a roleplaying world using the game engine of R.O.S.E. Online. In this world the original story of ROSE Online is altered for its own personalized Role-Play experience. Much like Dungeons and Dragons or Pathfinder, Defenders of the Cross focuses on having Game Masters who bring the stories of the world to life. Players join the game to go deep into the lore, adventures and role-play. All along maintaining the fighting styles, and many mechanics that allow players to explore, and expand their abilities and levels.  In D.O.T.C. Players join the community to explore the lands as they embark on epic missions and level up in experience. The Game Master, (also known as GM) is the game’s referee and storyteller. At its heart, DOTC is a game that focuses on storytelling and teamwork. The rolls in the game help you along, and help lead the flow of the story and events. Everything is your decision, from what you use, act and what you do next.  Have fun, and join the discord to speak to GMs or other players who are also embarking on this...

Defender Injury

Injuries in DOTC are painful moments in a character’s storyline; be it in battle, during an interaction or a random accident. Injuries come with possible losses, depending on the severity of the injury. Do not expect all injuries to be the same, there are three types of Injuries players may run into which we will cover in this article. Minor Injury: Minor Injuries are mostly accidental or did not come about with intent to cause serious harm. These often occur when a player is randomly kicked and no announcement is sent out to report an injury. There is minimal loss to these injuries, from no exp loss to minor exp loss similar to that of a re-spawn. Injury: Typically these are the more common type of Injury, this is where legitimate harm was done to the character and / or there was intent on harming the victim. These can happen during combat scenarios or something like a duel. It is safe to assume that if you find yourself in a situation where you are involved in actual combat, an injury may take place. Injuries such as this will take a heavy experience loss, an announcement will be sent out reporting the Injury, and a piece of equipment may break as a cause of the injury. These Injuries are meant to be avoided by players, so remember to be careful during combat and avoid dangers that you understand you cannot take on. In some situations an injury is caused by another player, powerful enemies, or dangerous storyline situations.  Critical Injury: A Critical Injury is the most severe type of injury....

Client Version 6.6 Download

Greetings, Defenders! During the patching process of today’s update an error occurred related to the old client configurations. We’ve addressed the problems but during this process it was determined that a re-download of the new client was necessary for all users. We will be providing a download link for the new client, please make sure to download it to ensure this and future patches install properly. Below are the various links to the new Defenders of the Cross Client: DOTC.ZIP Download DOTC.RAR Download DOTC.7Z Download Note: Keep in mind this new client will not transfer your mail list. So be sure to save your mail before removing the last client. We recommend you delete all the older clients and files from your computer before downloading and decompressing the new client. (Shortcuts...


The DOTC Discord is for Defenders of the Cross Topics. It has several chats available for everyone’s use. The most important to know are these:#announcement – Chat where Developers, Administrator and Moderators will post important notices for all players.#marketboard – Chat used by players to show what they are selling, buying or trading. (Ask a Moderator for privileges in this chat.)#stream – Chat for all those players that want to stream. Here you can place a link for others to view your videos. (Ask a Moderator for privileges in this chat.)#dotc_plaza – General chat for all players of Defenders of the Cross. (No personal pictured) The Moderators of the Discord Server has decided to enforce some rules. Starting immediately we will be monitoring any and all toxicity in the server. If anyone is caught or reported (and proof is given) we will be placing you in the “Chill out zone” in which you will not be able to speak or write in the chat of the server for a certain amount of time. The second strike you will be kicked out of the server for set amount of time. If the toxic behavior continues, the third strike means you will be banned from the server. Rules established to control flaming and toxic behavior against fellow players. In-game you can type “/rules” to view all rules of Defenders of the Cross Game and Possibly Discord Server. The Music Bots has been allowed to be used in the Webcast for all members of the Defenders of the Cross Discord Server. If anyone just wants to enter discord to ONLY listen to some...

Modes of Transportation

There are various different modes of transportation found among the world of Defenders of the Cross. Some can be used by the player directly, some run on automated schedules and some can be used via the MOB, we will be going over the four major modes of transportation in this article, and go over examples on how to use them and how to unlock them (in cases where it’s relevant).   Carts Your character starts with a “Drive Cart” skill which can be found under the “Parts” tab of your skill tree. This is the skill you use to get on a Cart (should you have one assembled) and get off of it once you are riding it. You can obtain the parts needed to assemble a cart via NPC shops, which provide the components for basic carts; crafters, who can provide more advanced parts for better and faster carts; and from schematics found among loot. Once you have the main components of a Cart (Frame, Engine, and Wheels), you can assemble them by going to the PAT tab of your inventory window. In additional to assembling the Cart, it is important to carry fuel in order to keep it running, as Carts will consume fuel as they are used. You can typically purchase fuel from the same Vendors you would get the basic components of a cart, and they go into the “Consume” tab of your inventory as they are consumables which refill portions of your fuel when double clicked. Once you are driving a cart, keep an eye on your stats! You will find that stat bonuses...