by Andrew | Feb 24, 2023 | Guides, Premium Guides
Players often refer to their characters being taken down during battle as “dying” or having “died” and while this is common to refer to having your character being KO’ed as such, actual death has a much more literal meaning in the world of DotC. Simply being taken down and respawning in your Garrison does not mean your character died, they just got taken down in battle and were taken back to their garrison. However if the Game Moderators ever mention that there is a danger of being killed, it does not mean you might be taken down, it is actually speaking of permanent character death. So when a storyline entity is speaking of the dangers of a task and mentions death, or potentially lethal situations, take that as a warning. As mentioned previously, characters can suffer injury during battle, in particular there is a type of injury referred to as critical injury which is a lethal wound inflicted to your character. There are times, depending on circumstances, where a critical injury can be guaranteed to be lethal. In most situations, a character that has entered a critically injured state will have to be taken to intensive care, and resources must be used to save them. What can critically injure you?There are many things in the world of Defenders of the Cross that can critically injure you. The easiest to find and identify are creatures, natives or monsters that have a Crown next to their name. Some main examples are Dragons, Behemoths and Astarots. If you get taken down by any of these entities, there is a chance of getting...
by Andrew | Jan 24, 2022 | Guides, Premium Guides
The Daisy System is a way to Reward Defenders for their time playing in Defenders of the Cross. The more time you play, the more Daisy Coins you receive.The Daisy System looks at your time playing and moving around in the world of DOTC, to reward you what are known as Daisy Coins. Daisy Coins are used to buy Unique or Special Items. As you play you collect Daisy Coins, which you use to purchase in the D.S. Store. Whether you are a Premium Defenders or a Regular Defender, you can collect Daisy Coins. Every Player will have access to the Commands you need to purchase items. 1. Daisy System InformationCommand: /dsinfoDescription: Ds Info will give you access to the list of Categories (Types) that you will be able to choose from. Typing the “/dsinfo” in your chat (All Chat) will run this command.Example: /dsinfo2. Daisy System Information CategoriesCommand: /dsinfo [Type]Description: Ds Info, adding the Category, will give you access to the list of items that you will be able to choose from. Once you input a category, it will be returned a list of Identifications (IDs), Item Names, Quantity and Valor Points needed to purchase. When looking at the Category you can also see the amount of Valor Points you have. Typing the “/dsinfo [#]” in your chat (All Chat) will run this command.Example: /dsinfo 73. Daisy System PurchaseCommand: /dsbuy [ID]Players can input this command, in order to make their V.P. purchases. Exchanging the amount of points they have, for the items they requested by typing the Item’s Identification (I.D). Typing the “/dsbuy [#]” in your chat (All...
by Andrew | Dec 26, 2019 | Basics, Premium Guides
Greetings, Defenders! During the patching process of today’s update an error occurred related to the old client configurations. We’ve addressed the problems but during this process it was determined that a re-download of the new client was necessary for all users. We will be providing a download link for the new client, please make sure to download it to ensure this and future patches install properly. Below are the various links to the new Defenders of the Cross Client: DOTC.ZIP Download DOTC.RAR Download DOTC.7Z Download Note: Keep in mind this new client will not transfer your mail list. So be sure to save your mail before removing the last client. We recommend you delete all the older clients and files from your computer before downloading and decompressing the new client. (Shortcuts...
by Andrew | Dec 26, 2019 | Basics, Premium Guides
The DOTC Discord is for Defenders of the Cross Topics. It has several chats available for everyone’s use. The most important to know are these:#announcement – Chat where Developers, Administrator and Moderators will post important notices for all players.#marketboard – Chat used by players to show what they are selling, buying or trading. (Ask a Moderator for privileges in this chat.)#stream – Chat for all those players that want to stream. Here you can place a link for others to view your videos. (Ask a Moderator for privileges in this chat.)#dotc_plaza – General chat for all players of Defenders of the Cross. (No personal pictured) The Moderators of the Discord Server has decided to enforce some rules. Starting immediately we will be monitoring any and all toxicity in the server. If anyone is caught or reported (and proof is given) we will be placing you in the “Chill out zone” in which you will not be able to speak or write in the chat of the server for a certain amount of time. The second strike you will be kicked out of the server for set amount of time. If the toxic behavior continues, the third strike means you will be banned from the server. Rules established to control flaming and toxic behavior against fellow players. In-game you can type “/rules” to view all rules of Defenders of the Cross Game and Possibly Discord Server. The Music Bots has been allowed to be used in the Webcast for all members of the Defenders of the Cross Discord Server. If anyone just wants to enter discord to ONLY listen to some...
by Daisy Shopper | Jan 9, 2019 | Premium Guides
Faces available via Premium Services: /face 0 /face 0 1 /face 0 2 /face 0 3 /face 1 /face 1 1 /face 1 2 /face 1 3 /face 2 /face 2 1 /face 2 2 /face 2 3 /face 3 /face 3 1 /face 3 2 /face 3 3 /face 4 /face 4 1 /face 4 2 /face 4 3 /face 5 /face 5 1 /face 5 2 /face 5 3 /face 6 /face 6 1 /face 6 2 /face 6 3 /face 7 /face 7 1 /face 7 2 /face 7 3 /face 8 /face 8 1 /face 8 2 /face 8 3 /face 9 /face 9 1 /face 9 2 /face 9 3 /face 10 /face 10 1 /face 10 2 /face 10 3 /face 11 /face 12 /face 13 /face 14 /face 15 /face 15 1 /face 15 2 /face 15 3 /face 16 /face 16 1 /face 16 2 /face 16 3 /face 17 /face 17 1 /face 17 2 /face 17 3 /face 18 /face 19 /face 20 /face 21 /face 21 1 /face 21 2 /face 21 3 /face 22 /face 22 1 /face 23 /face 24 /face 25 /face 26 /face 26 1 /face 26 2 /face 27 /face 28 /face 29 /face 30 /face 30 1 /face 31 /face 32 /face 33 /face 33 1 /face 34 /face 34 2 /face...