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Wisdom of Mag

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The following are notes found in a hidden cave of the Anima Lake. They were salvaged and added to the Library.

Please handle with care,

Since I began teaching Defenders, I’ve always been working side by side with Clery. These days we find ourselves stuck here, more than we’d like. I love Kiel, and his plan to move slowly seems solid, but at times I disobey and head out to look around. Recently I found myself talking to one of our enemies, a young Mage called Guliarme. He showed me a few things he learned from some of his superiors. As I saw him show me those abilities, I realized that the enemy is using my teaching against us. My duty, when I took it, was to give Defenders the proper tools to survive everything this land throws their way. The fact that demons are the ones who taught this Defender, really hurt me. I made a decision that day, do a little more. Leaving something behind to help those same Defenders, showing them what other Defenders have done before and giving them new tools and guidelines to help improve. The Defender army was formed to protect humanity and unite it. 

I will start here with a brief explanation of all the different types of Mages. Apologies, I forgot to let you know who I am. I am the Master Mage Mag, and I will teach you here about the diverse types of Mages that came out of my Discipline. The Types you will read might not be called this way during your time, or don’t have a particular name, but the teachings will continue to be the same. Defenders or Warriors that embody these types will continue to improve the Mage class. 

  • Pure Mage

Pure Mage is just being what you are, a Mage. It is about using all the skills you have available to you. So here let’s focus on what it means to be a Mage, your duty as a Mage, role and your position. Mages are great assets to any battle. With a strong frontline keeping you safe; you can hinder your enemies with Ice, wear down their defenses with Fire, and assault large groups with wind. Your staff is also a capable weapon at close range, empowered by your own energy. Though we are not the best at melee combat, we can stun and hinder enemies with staff attacks when the situation calls for it.

I heard once of how some Mages in Lunar were trying to form something that could allow them to use everything a Mage could possibly do. The idea sounded amazing, drawing upon everything a Mage has potential for, I would’ve loved to have seen it in action.

  • Water Mage

I could talk about great warriors, or those that inspired the different combat styles of modern Mages but I prefer to explain those styles instead. Water Mages are the Mages that see a need and try to help. Mages who can heal others, help them keep fighting or increase their abilities, a supportive Mage. Though they cannot support at the scale that a Cleric can, Water Mages can help a party stay in a fight with skills like Restoration and Second Chance when their main support has been taken out of the action. Defenders must be able to help each other, and adapt. That is one of the reasons why a Mage such as this is so very vital, able to assist the Clerics & fight the enemy hordes.

  • Ice Mage

Everything you do as a Mage can help. Most of all the skills you use as an Ice Mage. Every attack you do can help your allies further fight. Frost casters specialize in keeping their enemies slowed down. By using skills like Glaciating Chill to either help their allies chase them down or to help a fellow defender escape the claws of a dangerous creature pursuing them. They can even slow down the opponent’s attack speed by using Permafrost Chill, which can mean life or death for Knights enduring a vicious assault.

  • Wind Mage 

The harnessing of wind for combat is a bit complicated. Most of what you can do with wind is about affecting enemies around you. What skills to get and how to use them, that is what I hope to help you understand here. Wind techniques such as Hurricane and Tempest hinder enemies while damaging at the same time. The Sikuku Gale technique is designed specifically to weaken a group of enemies before unleashing your mystic might on them. Aerial Castors are some of the most widely seen, for their ability to help fight multiple enemies.

  • Melee Mage 

Many mages like to fight close range either with the staff or other types of weapons. One of the most prominent close combat Mages are those who use the Spear. Wielded in a similar way to a Staff, but capable of releasing energies in a way more similar to Soldiers. Though they expose themselves more than a typical Mage, they are able to pile on more damage to their targets by weaving in weapon strikes between skill casts. Melee techniques such as Shaftstrike and Fierce Cudgeling will cripple enemies at key moments. Skills like Skill Mastery & Cross Defender Soul are some of the most important Skill Books to read for this.

  • Lightning Mage 

A Lightning Mage is one who uses skills to focus on stunning down opponents. They are also a bit rare and like to combine with the use of melee combat. Most lightning techniques like Arumic Shock and Lemming’s Bolt target only one opponent, but they are a great means of pinning down a specific target and really “going to town” on them as I’ve heard some Defenders say. Skills like Energy Doubt allow to complement heavily Lightning Mages. 

  • Fire Mage 

Fire mages are all about damage, weaken defenses to allow for more damage and damage-over-time. Fire Ring & Energy Burn, for example, will lower the targets based on their defenses while also dealing persistent damage in the form of a burn. One of my personal favorites, Magfire, damages and lights ablaze multiple targets at the same time. Meteorite Flow does not cause persistent damage but the sheer force of the technique’s impact will stun all of those hit by it. I suggest for every Fire Castor to focus on using various burning skills, learn about them and use them properly. 

  • Elementalist Mage

As a Mage, many aspire to use all the elements possible. Although a complicated thing, it is not impossible. Those who want to venture into being an Elementalist tend to start using what are known as Earth Elements, which are elements of raw power. Shaftstrike for example takes your focus on raw power, and unleashes it into a powerful strike. These types of skills are those that help focus the Terran elemental energy. Earth Skills are hard to come by, and require much practice to bring forth, but I’ve seen many Elementalist Practitioners take inspiration from nature to unleash unique techniques. I’ve even heard of one such technique by the name of Earthshaker. I look forward to where my students will take those studies to places I never could.

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