Cat Fights and Broken Doors

Tempers ran high tonight as a meeting was about to take place. Due to missing a few Generals, Orc’s patience ran thin; so when the door to the temple posed problems, in typical Champion fashion, he made mincemeat of the object of his ire. This left Tipi unable to join the meeting for some time, and due to lack of Dealers on site, many of our battalions had to take a crack at the door. Luckily, Mayhem from the Orkish Clan was able to repair said door in the end, much to Tipi’s good mood. Apart from that, a small scuffle erupted between Virgo and Vlacks, who took turns insulting each other’s strength and choice of...

Smelly Fish and Zombie Ants

Long story short, people; the areas of Adventurer’s Plains, Valley of Luxem Tower, and Breezy Hills have turned into playareas and hunting grounds for Aqua Scouts and Infected Pomics; making it impossible for low ranked members of the clans to walk two steps outside of towns. My advice: Stick to groups, Sneak around less traveled areas, or Plainly stay put; Rotten Ant Flesh and Fish Spears hurt like a ton of bricks. So there you have it, save your motivation to reach the next rank and keep safe, or you might find yourself eating grass ’round these parts. Pictures when I next encounter these woopies at a later...

Theft in the Capital! Thief caught red handed.

Just days ago, Legionnaire Tipi had reported a theft that took place among the Capital City! Two thieves were spotted attacking and attempting to pick the locks of Arua’s Library. Machupichu, and RedWolf were spotted at the scene of the Crime. During the same attempt Legionnaire Tipi had no choice but to take the life of Former Aruan, RedWolf who was armed and dangerous. Legionnaire Heoro, was on the scene and was supporting Legionnaire Tipi. The other criminal, Machupichu has yet to be detained and is still on the loose. If you have anything to report about the matter, please inform the proper authorities. The...